View, Print, Export, and Schedule Crystal reports
Data Visualizer
Use Full Screen button to maximize the video demo.
Remember Parameter Values
Language Translation
Initialize Date Parameters
React to User Actions
- Group Swap Expert
- Click a Parameter to Change it
- Click to change formula value
- Click column header to Sort
- Click to Pop HTML Tooltip
- In-Place Drill Down
- Selective Parameter Refresh
- Click to Launch another Report
Select Different Data Sources: select (interactively or via a command line argument) an alternative ODBC DSN, Oracle Server, SQL Server, FoxPro DBF Files (MasterBuilder Folder), or Access/Excel Files.
Inspect/document Report Expressions/Fields: load all expressions (formulas, SQL expressions, running totals, selection formulas, conditional formatting) and fields found within selected reports (and their subreports) into a grid for easy searching, grouping, and review. See demo image.
Protect Report Designs
Integrated Authentication: use Windows User Login and Machine ID to remove the need to repeatedly authenticate to data sources
Dynamic & Cascading Parameters (advanced alternative)
DataLink Viewer can detect the presence of a prompt report designed as a data source for a specific parameter and link to that report in a dialog requesting the user to select one or multiple values. If the prompt report itself detects 2nd-level prompt reports for its own parameters, it links back to that report. This provides a linked hierarchy of parameters whereby, for example, the pick list for products is restricted by a prior parameter presenting a live list of product types.
Select Live Parameter Values from linked Crystal reports that act as dynamic pick list data sources or default to using Crystal’s static parameters
Restrict Live Parameter Values based on user’s choice in a prior static or dynamic parameter
Remember Values last used for each Live Parameter allowing the user to accept or replace those values
Command Line Interface for launching reports from any other program, schedulers, batch files, and even from within other Crystal reports
Desktop Shortcuts for launching individual reports
Export & Print Reports Directly (without previewing)
Switch report layout & content when printing
Filter Data Based on Windows User Login
Remember Export File & Action: DataLink Viewer 2011 remembers the last export format, folder, and file name for each report. It also remembers the desired after-export action (open file, open folder, ask).
Auto-Refresh Reports every N seconds